Birds of Hong Kong in Your Hands
“HKcBirds: Common Birds of Hong Kong” Mobile App launch
10 Apr 2014
“Concrete Jungle”, “Shopping Paradise”, “Cosmopolitan” are the general perceptions of Hong Kong. Yet, probably most of us do not know that Hong Kong has a stunning diversity of avifauna. There are over 520 species of wild birds in this tiny piece of land, comparing to about 1,400 species in China.
For the general public to appreciate these beautiful neighbors, the Department of Computer Science of The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society have jointly developed the mobile app “HKcBirds: Common Birds of Hong Kong”. This is Hong Kong’s first cross-platform bird information mobile app. Through the app, the general public can access multimedia information of over two hundred species of common birds. The app not only can increase the fun of bird watching, but can also help users to identify birds by checking against their photos and information. The mobile app is free of charge and is compatible with most mobile devices.
An App Launch Media Conference will be held tomorrow (April 11) with live demonstration. Details are as follows:
Date: April 11, 2014 (Friday)
Time: 3pm
Venue: Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, 7C, V Ga Building, 532 Castle Park Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon
Speaker: Mr. Lau Wai Man (Chairman, The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society)
Ms. Yeung Lee Ki (Assistant Project Manager, The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society)
Dr. Yip Chi Lap (HKU Department of Computer Science)
Dr. Wong Ka Yan (HKU Department of Computer Science)
The project titled "Birds of Hong Kong in your Hands" is supported by the HKU Knowledge Exchange Fund. For enquires, please contact Ms. Yeung Lee Ki, HKBWS (Tel: 2377 4387) or Ms. Jolly Li, Faculty of Engineering, HKU (Tel: 2241 5953 / E-mail: [email protected]).