Dental Fear as a Vicious Cycle of Ill Health, World Oral Health Day promotes International Guideline for Maintaining Good Oral Health
17 Mar 2014
Oral health is an important part of overall health. According to local and worldwide research published in recent years, oral health problems still represent a considerable social and financial burden. Although oral health education includes promoting regular dental check-ups, some individuals with dental fear delay dental visits, resulting in negative impacts on aspects of their physiology, psychology, and even daily living.
As the theme of World Oral Health Day this year on 20 March 2014 is “Celebrating Health Smiles”, the Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong would like to take this opportunity to increase public awareness of “Dental Fear” and how to tackle it. This upcoming Media Interview will present international and local research data regarding local oral health status and will explain the concept of Dental Fear and its impacts. Moreover, the speakers will give advice on how to break the vicious cycle of Dental Fear, including an international guideline for good oral health, and they will also introduce an upcoming public education event on World Oral Health Day.
Details of the Media Interview are as follows:
Date : 18 March 2014 (Tuesday) Time : 11:00am Venue : The Lounge, 7/F, Prince Philip Dental Hospital, 34 Hospital Road, Hong Kong Speaker : - Professor LO Edward Chin Man Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong - Dr. GAO Xiaoli Research Assistant Professor of Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong
Members of the press are cordially invited to attend the media interview.
For media enquiries, please kindly contact:
Candice Ko Tel : 6085-7523 Email: [email protected]
Denise Wu Tel : 9159-8458 Email: [email protected]
For Faculty enquiries, please kindly contact:
Ms Sau-wan Cheng Tel: 2859 0410 Email: [email protected]