The Hon Andrew Li to unveil the display of his court dress
at HKU Faculty of Law exhibition “De Lege Lata”
12 Mar 2014
To commemorate the opening of the permanent exhibition at the Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) on Hong Kong Legal System and the Legal Profession, featuring the display of Judicial Robe and Barrister Attire donated by the Hon Andrew Li, the first Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal (1997-2010), and to mark the publication of Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal: The Development of the Law in China’s Hong Kong, a ceremony will be held tomorrow (March 13, Thursday). The Hon Andrew Li will officiate at the ceremony.
The Faculty of Law stages the exhibition as part of its mission is to reach out to the community and encourage public understanding in the Rule of Law. The exhibition, titled “De Lege Lata” (“The law as it is”), introduces the tradition of HK’s legal system and legal profession, in particular different attires in the court. Historic photos taken at the ceremonial opening of the Legal Year in front of the old Supreme Court Building, and group photos of judges are among the exhibits.
A preview of the exhibits will be offered to the media before the ceremony by Associate Dean of Law Dr Felix Chan. Dr Chan will tell interesting stories of the tradition of the legal profession and court dress costume.
Details of the media preview and the opening ceremony are as follows:
Date: March 13, 2014 (Thursday)
Media preview
Time: 4:30pm
Gathering point: 7/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Speaker: Dr Felix Chan, Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Law, the University of Hong Kong
“De Lege Lata” Exhibition Opening Ceremony
Time: 6:00 to 7:00 pm
Venue: Lui Che Woo Law Library, 1/F, Cheng Yu Tung Tower,
Centennial Campus, the University of Hong Kong
To join the media preview, please make reservation with Ms Rachel Li in advance at tel: 3917 2919 or email: [email protected].
For media enquiries, please contact Ms Rachel Li at tel: 3917 2919 or email: [email protected]; or Ms Trinni Choy (Assistant Director (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2606 email: [email protected]; or Ms Melanie Wan (Senior Manager (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2600 email: [email protected].