HKU study finds Hong Kong Laws inadequate to protect threatened animal and plant species
13 Sep 2013
A multidisciplinary team led by animal-law expert Associate Professor of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) Amanda Whitfort has reviewed the effectiveness of the five key ordinances in protecting wild native species in Hong Kong and concluded that the ordinances are insufficient to protect the territory’s natural heritage.
Professor Whitfort will hold a press conference on September 17 (Tuesday) with team members to release findings and recommendations of the review.
In 2010, Professor Whitfort’s research team concluded a full review on the territory’s legislation against animal cruelty and recommended significant legislative reform to protect animal welfare.
In the current study, five ordinances were reviewed including the Wild Animals Protection (Cap. 170), Forests and Countryside (Cap. 96), Fisheries Protection (Cap. 171), Country Parks (Cap. 208) and Marine Parks (Cap. 476) Ordinances.
The team has concluded that while existing legislation has played a key role in eliminating most hunting of native terrestrial animals, and limited collection of valuable plant species, it has been insufficient to protect the territory’s natural heritage, and that some endemic species found in the territory but nowhere else on Earth lack any protection at all under current laws. Certain species with high commercial value, notably Incense trees and the critically-endangered Golden-coin turtle, are particularly vulnerable to poaching.
The team has recommended legislative changes to secure the long-term conservation of local biodiversity. The review is intended to contribute to the process of formulating Hong Kong’s first Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, required by the Convention on Biological Biodiversity, which is currently being led by the Environment Bureau.
Media representatives are cordially invited to the press conference, details are as follows:
Date: September 17, 2013 (Tuesday)
Time: 2 pm
Venue: KB 112, 1/F Knowles Building
For media enquiries, please contact Ms Melanie Wan, Senior Manager (Media) (Tel: 2859 2600/Email: [email protected] ), Communications & Public Affairs Office, HKU.