Response to Media reports on donations to the University of Hong Kong
28 Aug 2013
The University of Hong Kong has long benefited from donations in various forms from the community in support of its myriad initiatives in research, teaching and infrastructure development. Due to the generous support of our donors, including Mr Li Ka Shing, the University has been able to further advance its teaching, research and clinical service activities and has become internationally acclaimed for its outstanding achievements. The University and the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine are most grateful for the kind contributions and unwavering support of our donors whose philanthropy has been indispensable to our successes.
The University accepts and manages donations in strict compliance with an established mechanism and makes appropriate arrangements in context and according to specific circumstances. It is common practice that major gifts, such as the Li Ka Shing Foundation’s donation to the University in 2005, are remitted in phases. The Foundation has always been steadfast in its support of the University and has adhered to the donation arrangements to which had initially agreed and have since upheld.
The Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine followed the aforementioned mechanism and procedures in deploying and disbursing its allocated portion of the Foundation’s donation. Initially, the University had planned for staff expansion in all faculties to cater for the needs arising from the 3-3-4 curriculum reforms and the double-cohort year. Through matching by the Li Ka Shing Foundation donation, the Faculty was able to make available additional resources for the recruitment of academic staff. The donation also contributed towards the initial seed grants and helped build a solid foundation for all research centres of the Faculty. Since 2007, the donation has been disbursed through the “Faculty Development Fund” to schools, departments, and teaching and research units of the Faculty by way of an open and competitive bidding process. The Fund has strategically and efficiently supported a wide range of initiatives and projects in teaching and learning, research, clinical service and knowledge exchange – the four core missions of the Faculty. Over the years, each and every department and unit of the Faculty has directly benefitted from the Foundation’s donation.
For media enquiries, please contact: Ms Trinni Choy (Assistant Director (Media), Communications and Public Affairs Office) tel: 2859 2606 / email: [email protected]