HKU General Education F:A:C:E Fest: - Fascinating Arts and Cultural Experiences
日期: 2013年4月9日(星期二)
時間: 中午12時45分至下午2時
地點: 香港大學黃克竸平台
語言: 廣東話
HKU General Education F:A:C:E Fest
文藝復興x港大通識沙龍 文藝。青春。時代
主持: 洛楓女士/陳少紅博士 香港大學比較文學系客席助理教授
周耀輝博士 著名填詞人
李應平女士 光華新聞文化中心主任
日期: 4月10日(星期三)
時間: 下午6時至8時
地點: 香港大學鈕魯詩樓223室
語言: 普通話
誠邀 貴機構派員採訪,詳情如下︰
日期︰2013年4月9日 (星期二)
傳媒查詢,請聯絡港大傳訊及公共事務處助理總監(傳媒)徐佩瑩小姐 (電話︰2859 2606/電郵︰[email protected]) 或港大傳訊及公共事務處高級經理(傳媒)尹慧筠小姐 (電話︰2859 2600/電郵︰[email protected])。
“A World without Welfare” by Mr. Leo F. Goodstadt
Hong Kong is among the world’s most prosperous and stable cities. Yet, the quality of its housing and its spending on social services are well below the other advanced economies. The gap between rich and poor is among the widest in the world and worsening, which officials and business leaders have tried to blame on the poor themselves. In this century, the government has increased the charges paid by the average family for health, education and welfare. Children and adults with disabilities, together with the elderly, suffer extraordinary waiting times for admission to care facilities. Access to modern medication is rationed by price, even for many life-threatening illnesses. This presentation will explain how this deterioration in the community’s wellbeing is the direct outcome of the government’s belief that welfare is a luxury Hong Kong can hardly afford.
Mr Leo F. Goodstadt is an honorary HKIHSS fellow, where he is currently finalising a book for publication later this year on poverty in Hong Kong. His past research has focused on the relationship between government and business in Hong Kong and on China’s transition from Maoism and the modernisation of its financial system in particular. He was head of the government’s Central Policy Unit from 1989 to 1997.
Date: April 10, 2013 (Wednesday)
Time: 4pm to 5pm
Venue: Room 201, May Hall, HKU
Language: English
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For enquiries, please contact Yvonne Chan by email at [email protected]