「無綠不歡星期一 香港大學校園計劃」啟動禮
Green Monday是一個社會企業,致力宣揚健康、環保、低碳的生活方式,推廣綠色生活態度,尤其提倡綠色飲食。現代人的生活方式嚴重影響生態環境及損耗地球資源,Green Monday鼓勵大眾從生活細節著手,由每星期素食一天開始,有助減少碳足跡,並能提升健康水平。
香港大學與Green Monday合作,將會成為全港首間全面支持推行Green Monday的大學,從3月18日起香港大學的8間餐廳集團,共11間餐廳逢星期一都會提供素食餐單,鼓勵學生培養每周綠色飲食的習慣,覆蓋校內75%的餐廳,預計每日可為超過15,000人次提供素食選擇。
香港大學 Go Green Monday 校園啟動禮
地點:香港大學黃克競樓平台開放空間 (Union Restaurant外)
語言: 英語
其他港大Go Green系列活動
Baby steps to go green 講座
講者:Green Monday聯合創辦人 楊大偉先生
健康空氣行動主席及司庫 黃元山先生
講者:Green Monday聯合創辦人 魏華星先生(待定)
香港大學通識教育部計劃主任佘綺雯(Celeste Shai),電話:2241-5045,電郵:[email protected]。Green Monday高級行政主任梁銘基 (Andy Leung),電話:2263-3277 / 9039-9441, 電郵:[email protected]。
“Will You be My Valentine?” Women, Modernity and Cultural Essentialism
The talk will explore some contemporary controversies in India relating to women and sexuality. Prof. Niranjana will analyse the arguments being made around the recent Delhi rape case, the Guwahati molestation incident, the Mangalore resort attack, (all 2012), the Pink Chaddi Campaign (2009), Slutwalk (2011) and other such events. While asking why the question of women’s sexuality is being foregrounded so strongly in public discussion in present-day India, she will discuss its pre-history through the debates in third-wave Indian feminism from the 1980s onwards. She will use material from blogs, TV, video and cinema to make her argument, and suggest throughout the talk the kind of comparisons that could be made with other Asian contexts.
The speaker Professor Tejaswini Niranjana is Senior Fellow at the Centre for Study of Culture and Society, Bangalore, and Visiting Professor at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.
Date: March 19, 2013 (Tuesday)
Time: 4 to 6 p.m.
Venue: Rm929, 9/F, The Jockey Club Tower, HKU
Language: English
For enquiries, please contact Ms Connie Ko by email at [email protected] or by phone at 39172309.
2013年3月20日是“世界口腔健康日”,香港大學牙醫學院在菲臘牙科醫院入口處設立 “口腔健康資訊台”,歡迎公眾參加。
日期: 2013年3月20日(星期三)
時間:上午9點至下午6點 (包括特別時段下午3時至6時,學院口腔健康知識交流項目學生小組為嬰幼兒家長及保母提供資訊)
公眾查詢: 牙醫學院知識交流組,電郵:[email protected]; 電話:2859 0455
傳媒如有查詢,請聯絡香港大學牙醫學院知識交流主任鄭秀雲小姐,;電話: 2859 0410; 電郵: [email protected]
Seminar: A Prosecutor in a Modern Society: Upholding the Rule of Law and Respecting Rights and Freedoms
Speaker: Kevin Zervos, Director of Public Prosecutions, Hong Kong Department of Justice
Mr Zervos has conducted the full ambit of trials and appeals in all fields of law. In trial work he has specialized in commercial crime, including credit card and currency frauds, banking and corporate frauds, infringement of intellectual property, money laundering and corruption. In appeal work he has conducted cases involving constitutional law, human rights, administrative law as well as most aspects of the criminal law and law of evidence. He has presented numerous papers and given talks on a variety of legal topics including human rights, appeals, commercial crime, fraud, money laundering, corruption and sentencing. In this talk, he will discuss the responsibilities of the modern prosecutors in upholding the rule of law and rights and freedoms.
Date: March 20, 2013 (Wednesday)
Time: 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
Venue: Academic Conference Room, 11/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, HKU
For enquiries, please Ms contact Flora Leung by email at [email protected] or by phone at 3917 2941.
中國的犯罪與現代化 Crime and Modernization in China
日期: 2013年3月21日(星期四)
時間: 下午4時至5時30分
地點: 香港大學百周年校園賽馬會教學樓813室
語言: 普通話
查詢請聯絡Ms Connie Ko,電郵: [email protected] 或電話: 39172309.
雲水襟懷:李虛白山水詩畫展 (22.3.2013 – 12.5.2013)
博物館開放時間及詳情請瀏覽<http://www.hkumag.hku.hk/ >或致電2241-5500查詢。
Singapore's Death Penalty Changes - Too little too late or the Beginning of the End?
History was created recently in Singapore when, for the first time, changes were made to death penalty laws which reduced the reach of capital punishment for murder and drug offences. They were admittedly modest in scope, but the important question now is whether it is a foretaste of greater restrictions and eventually abolition, or merely evidence that this is about as far as the Legislature is willing to go in the foreseeable future.
Michael Hor is a Professor at the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore and a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law, Hong Kong University. He has taught and researched in criminal law, criminal evidence and criminal process for over 25 years, but is still discovering that there is much more to learn.
Date: March 22, 2013 (Friday)
Time: 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
Venue: Room 724, 7/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
For enquiries, please f contact Flora Leung by email at [email protected] or by phone at 3917 2941.
日期: 2013年4月3日(星期三)
查詢導賞團詳情,請瀏覽: http://www.hkumag.hku.hk/mc/lectures_events1_01.html