Public talk "Computer science and journalism: two great tastes that taste great together"
Computer science and journalism are intersecting in surprising ways. Computational journalism combines classic journalistic values of storytelling and public accountability with techniques from computer science, statistics, the social sciences, and the digital humanities. This talk will be a lightning overview of the state of the art in this rapidly developing field, including work being done at the HKU Journalism and Media Studies Centre.
The speaker Jonathan Stray is a computer scientist and a journalist and currently leads the Overview Project at the Associated Press in New York, an open-source system to help journalists sort through huge quantities of unstructured documents. He has contributed articles to Wired, The New York Times, Foreign Policy, and China Daily, and teaches computational journalism at Columbia University. He is an alumnus of the Master of Journalism programme at HKU.
Date: February 4, 2013 (Monday)
Time: 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm
Venue: Digital Media Lab, G/F, Eliot Hall, Journalism and Media Studies Centre, HKU
For enquiries, please contact Mr Leung at 3917 4004.
HKIHSS Departmental Seminar “Knowledge Transfer as Cooperative Conflict: Benjamin Hobson (1816-1873) and the Translation of Western Medicine in Late Qing China”
Speaker: Dr. Chan Man Sing
Benjamin Hobson came to China in 1839, after receiving full training in medicine at University College London, and served for the next twenty years as a medical missionary in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Shanghai. He returned to England in 1860 on account of ill health. From 1850 to 1859 he published a series of treatises on western medicine in the Chinese language, the first of its kind in Late Qing China, spanning practically the full range of medicine of the time: anatomy, physiology, surgery, obstetrics, paediatrics, general medicine, and materia medica. He was assisted in this tremendous enterprise by his “Chinese teachers”, notably Wong Ping and Guan Xifu, who were more than amanuensis, taking on in fact an active role in reinterpreting and reformulating Hobson’s missionary medicine for a Chinese audience firmly entrenched in the Confucian intellectual tradition. This paper examines the subtle conflicts, both psychological and cultural, between Hobson and his Chinese assistants, and the ultimate asymmetrical compromise in the new hegemonic formation of scientific knowledge, drawing largely from two draft manuscripts of Hobson’s, Xiyi luelun digao《西醫略論底稿》and Fuying xinshuo《婦嬰新說》, recently discovered and now kept in the Australian National Library.
Date: February 6, 2013 (Wednesday)
Time: 4:00 to 5:30pm
Venue: Room 201, May Hall, HKU
Language: English
For further information, please visit: http://www.hkihss.hku.hk/en/home/index.html
For enquiries, please contact Yvonne Chan by email at [email protected]
HKUL Book Talk: On "Skeleton Women" and the female spy in China
Theme Book: Skeleton Women
Speaker/Author: Dr Mingmei Yip
Moderator: Ms Evelyn Ng (Co-Convenor of Women's Studies Research Centre, HKU)
Qin musician and novelist Mingmei Yip’s new and fourth novel is Skeleton Women, a Chinese phrase for femmes fatales. The novel tells the story about three women -- Camilla, a nightclub singer who has been forced to become a spy, Shadow a magician who jumps naked off a tall building, and a gender-ambiguous gossip columnist. All must scheme in order to survive the gang wars in lawless 1930s Shanghai.
In this event, Dr Yip will discuss the theme of her novels (with focus on Skeleton Women), how she incorporated Chinese culture into her work, and how she got published by a major New York Publisher. Following the talk, Yip will read excerpts from Skeleton Women and Song of the Silk Road, and sign copies.
Date: February 7, 2013 (Thursday)
Time: 7:15 - 9:00 pm
Venue: 1/F Special Collections, Main Library, HKU
Language: English
Registration: http://lib.hku.hk/friends/reading_club/bt2013_01.html
For information about Dr Mingmei Yip, please visit http://www.mingmeiyip.com
For information about the talk, please visit:
Foe media enquiries, please contact Marina Yeung by email at
[email protected]
<梁秉鈞: 良朋、香港>展覽
香港大學文學院舉辦<梁秉鈞: 良朋、香港>展覽,紀念著名文學家梁秉鈞 (也斯) 與他九位藝術家朋友的合作,透過詩與攝影兩種不同媒介,共同創造出對香港感性的觀點,獨特的視野。當中五幅作品未曾公開展示過,展覽藉此向也斯追思與致敬。
<梁秉鈞: 良朋、香港>展覽同時展出香港大學圖書館收藏梁秉鈞三個系列的文學作品,包括由早期至最近出版的詩、散文和小說。是次展覽由文學院主辦,香港大學圖書館協辦,為文學院慶祝其百周年活動之一。
展覽日期: 2013年1月30日至3月1日。
圖書館開放時間,請瀏覽: http://lib.hku.hk/general/hours/