Contemporary China Studies Public Lecture:
Paying for China’s Urbanization: Challenges of Municipal Finance in the 21st Century
Since embarking on its transition to a market economy 30 years ago, China’s urban population has grown by 500 million. This urbanization has proceeded on a scale and pace unprecedented in human history. Meeting the growing demands for services (electricity, water, sewerage, roads, transportation, schools and hospitals, etc.) posed an extraordinary challenge for government.
This lecture examines the structure and evolution of public finance in Chinese cities through this historic transition and finds that the fiscal system had become extremely decentralized and permissive. The decentralized approach has been instrumental in enabling China’s urbanization and growth, but it also produced some adverse outcomes. Going forward, fixing the system of municipal finance is critical to China’s transition from middle-income to high-income status, and to her long term prospects for creating humane and liveable cities, but the transition will be difficult, painful, and protracted.
Date: November 19, 2012 (Monday)
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Social Sciences Chamber, 11/F, the Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Speaker: Professor Christine Wong, Professor of Chinese Public Finance, Director of Chinese Studies, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, University of Oxford
Website: http://www.socsc.hku.hk/ccspl/cwong/
Enquiries: Ms. Crystal So (Email:[email protected] )
Inter-faith Dialogue: Religion & Human Rights
The Hong Kong representatives of three Monotheistic religions will come together to discuss their religions’ common grounds and differences with respect to Human Rights in an inter-faith dialogue at the University of Hong Kong on November 19 (Monday).
There are many instances where religious values come under conflict with human rights issues in today’s world. Religions influence societies through their cultures and legislation, but Governments also influence religious practices on the basis of their secular understandings of human rights. Where should the border between human rights and religious views lie? Are religions and states transgressing each other’s domains?
Media representatives are cordially invited to the dialogue, details are as follows:
Date: November 19, 2012 (Monday)
Time: 7 pm to 9 pm
Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU
Language: English
Welcoming remarks: Prof. C. F. Lee, Director, HKU SPACE
Moderator: Venerable SIK Hin Hung (Centre of Buddhist Studies, HKU)
Guest Speakers :
- Imam Muhammad ARSHAD (Kowloon Mosque and Islamic Centre)
- Dr. John LEMOND (Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre)
- Rabbi Asher OSER (Ohel Leah Synagogue)
Panelists :
- Dr. Wayne CRISTAUDO (School of Modern Languages and Cultures, HKU)
- Sheikh Fadel SOLIMAN (Bridges Foundation, Egypt)
- Prof. David ZWEIG (School for Humanities and Social Science, HKUST)
For enquiries, please call tel: 3917 5078, or email: [email protected]
林鎮輝先生一九三二年於香港出生,早年活躍香港藝壇,又從事策展工作,與同代前衛藝術家致力推廣現代藝術。他在一九六五年移居加拿大,成為專業畫家。青年時期他跟隨美術大師李秉(1903—1994)學習繪畫,其後進入香港藝術館的前身 — 香港大會堂美術博物館擔任館長助理。
日期: 2012年11月20日(星期二)
時間: 下午六時
地點: 香港大學美術博物館
有關活動詳情,請瀏覽: http://www.hkumag.hku.hk/exhibition.html
查詢,請聯絡Tina Pang (電郵:[email protected] )
「香港大學每週活動推介」逢星期五以電郵傳送給登記客戶,如想登記,請致電郵 [email protected] 給何小姐。謝謝。