香港大學美術博物館「陽春堂說物談情」最後一講: 香港博物館
由香港大學美術博物館總監楊春棠主講的「陽春堂說物談情」,最後一講的主題是香港博物館,明天 (6月30日星期六)下午3時在香港大學馮平山樓美術博物館內舉行。今次也是楊先生在這個月底退休前,最後一次在博物館內的公開講座。
日期: 2012年6月30日(星期六)
時間: 下午3時至5時
語言: 廣東話
詳情請瀏覽: http://www.hkumag.hku.hk/mc/lectures_events1_01.html
查詢請致電香港大學美術博物館2241 5500。傳媒查詢,請聯絡港大傳訊及公共事務處助理總監(傳媒)徐佩瑩小姐 (電話︰2859 2606/電郵︰[email protected] )或港大傳訊及公共事務處經理(傳媒)尹慧筠小姐 (電話︰2859 2600/電郵︰[email protected])。
"The Fall of Doha and the Rise of Trans-Pacific Partnership" by Professor Jagdish N. Bhagwati
After 10 years of negotiations, the Doha Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (MTN) has been virtually abandoned. While Robert Zoellick (USTR) and Pascal Lamy (EU Trade Commissioner) did not hesitate to point the finger unjustifiably at the G-22 group of developing countries when Doha negotiations failed at Cancun in 2003, there has been reluctance to point the finger at the culprit, the United States whose intransigent demand killed Doha: you do not bark at a Rottweiler!
The near-death of Doha is not the only damage that the United States has done to the world trading system and the WTO – the nature of that damage will be discussed in the Lecture – but the United States has compounded the damage by backing instead the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). This discriminatory Preferential Trade Agreement, by building into itself numerous (some still secretive) US-lobbies-fed demands for all kinds of extraneous trade-unrelated demands, has made it impossible for Asian countries like India and China to join the TPP, thus threatening to divide Asia into two blocs, just as a similar policy in South America has already divided that Continent into the proposed Brazil-led FTAA bloc and the Andean Group bloc built along the alternative lines of NAFTA.|
Professor Jagdish Bhagwati is a University Professor at Columbia University and a Senior Fellow in International Economics at the Council on Foreign Relations. He has been Economic Policy Adviser to Arthur Dunkel, Director General of GATT (1991-93), Special Adviser to the UN on Globalization, and External Adviser to the WTO. He has served on the Expert Group appointed by the Director General of the WTO on the Future of the WTO and the Advisory Committee to Secretary General Kofi Annan on the NEPAD process in Africa, and was also a member of the Eminent Persons Group under the chairmanship of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso on the future of UNCTAD.
Date: 4 July 2012 (Wednesday)
Time: 5:45pm to 7pm
Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre
Language: English
For registration, please contact Hazel Sze by email at [email protected]. For media enquiries, please contact Ms Helen Wong at [email protected], or tel: 22194311.
「香港大學每週活動推介」逢星期五以電郵傳送給登記客戶,如想登記,請致電郵 [email protected] 給何小姐。謝謝。