互聯網及手提電話為全球四十億人,提供了前所未有的機會自由表達意見。在這個急劇轉變的世界中,言論自由的準則應該如何釐定?哪些屬於合法界限之內? 香港大學社會科學學院將於二零一二年四月二十日,舉行一場以「在互聯網時代的全球言論自由:挑戰與機遇」為題的講座。此講座由牛津大學Timothy Garton Ash教授主講,他將簡報牛津大學一項有關言論自由的研究項目(freespeechdebate.com),並討論其對亞洲和西方的影響。
時間:下午六時三十分 (下午六時敬備茶會)
傳媒如需安排個別訪問或其他安排,請聯絡香港大學社會科學學院薛曉霞小姐(電話:2859 2983 / 電郵:[email protected])。
Biography of Professor Timothy Garton Ash
Timothy Garton Ash is the author of nine books of political writing or "History of the Present" which have charted the transformation of Europe over the last thirty years. He is Professor of European Studies in the University of Oxford, Isaiah Berlin Professorial Fellow at St Antony's College, Oxford, and a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. His essays appear regularly in the New York Review of Books and he writes a weekly column in the Guardian which is widely syndicated in Europe, Asia and the Americas.
Honours he has received for his writing include the David Watt Memorial Prize, Commentator of the Year in the 'What the Papers Say' annual awards for 1989, the Premio Napoli, the Imre Nagy Memorial Plaque, the Hoffmann von Fallersleben Prize for political writing, the Order of Merit from Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic, and the British CMG. In 2005, he featured in a list of 100 top global public intellectuals chosen by the journals Prospect and Foreign Policy, and in Time magazine's list of the world's 100 most influential people. In 2006, he was awarded the George Orwell Prize for political writing.