香港大學教育學院中文教育研究中心(CACLER)總監謝錫金教授多年致力漢字學習的研究,最近開展了「幼兒有效漢字學與教:高效漢字認讀及書寫發展」研究計劃,希望透過「綜合高效識字法」讓幼兒愉快和有效地學習漢字,培養幼兒認讀及書寫漢字的能力,從而幫助他們建立良好的讀寫基礎。 計劃得到優質教育基金資助,除了在本港多所幼稚園進行先導識字教學計劃外,亦對全港幼兒學校進行了全面的調查,向全港幼兒學校和教師發出問卷,了解幼兒識字教學的情況。
傳媒查詢,請聯絡香港大學教育學院發展及傳訊經理Ms Queenie Wong (電話:2219 4270 / 手機:9220 5840 / 傳真:2540 6360 / 電郵:[email protected]) 或研究助理Ms Katie Law (電話:2219 4797 / 傳真:2241 5440 / 電郵:[email protected])。
香港大學將於2012年4月2日 (星期一)舉行新聞發布會,發表「香港宏觀經濟預測」,公佈一系列影響香港經濟的重要宏觀指標及2012年第二季本地經濟預測。
日期︰2012年4月2日 (星期一)
地點︰香港金鐘道 95號統一中心10樓統一會議中心
傳媒查詢,請聯絡港大傳訊及公共事務處助理總監(傳媒)徐佩瑩小姐 (電話︰2859 2606/電郵︰[email protected] ) 或港大傳訊及公共事務處經理(傳媒)尹慧筠小姐 (電話︰2859 2600/電郵︰[email protected])。
Seminar on "Beyond Treatment: The role of Mindfulness in dissolving suicidal reactivity" by Professor J Mark G Williams
There are large differences from one person to another in the extent to which they are able to deal with suicidal feelings. Why do such differences exist?
Our research suggests that differences in how people react to suicidal thoughts and plans are critically important. Mindfulness training teaches people to decenter: to recognize when their suicidal mode of mind is being activated, and to shift to 'being' mode of mind, a mode that is associated with self-acceptance and flexibility of response, rather than with running off old habits. Preliminary evidence from pilot trials suggests that people become able to ‘let go' of their negative thoughts rather than elaborate or suppress them, and to let go of inappropriate ideals for themselves. Importantly, after mindfulness training, they are able to recall previous suicidal crises without getting ‘enmeshed' in them.
The speaker Professor Mark Williams is the Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Oxford, Welcome Trust Principal Research Fellow and Director of the Oxford Mindfulness Centre.
Date: April 3, 2012 (Tuesday)
Time: 6pm to 7pm
Venue: Library Extension 2, HKU
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Angie Shum at [email protected] or 28315236
「香港大學每週活動推介」逢星期五以電郵傳送給登記客戶,如想登記,請致電郵 [email protected] 給何小姐。謝謝。