自2007年推行「統一收生制」以來,港大理學院的「6901理學士課程」一直為聯招最受歡迎的課程之一。「大學四年制」推行在即,不少老師和同學均對課程的發展和招生安排深表關注。理學院將舉行有關新聞發佈會, 介紹學院的最新課程發展及四年制招生安排、內容包括:
- 理學士四年制課程特色
- 科學基礎課程
- 15個主修學科
- 課程指導計劃
- 學科體驗學習
- 教育學士及理學士課程(雙學位課程)
- 招生安排、學額和入學要求
- 郭新教授(香港大學理學院院長)
- 陳偉鍵教授(香港大學理學院副院長-學生事務)
- 張榮森教授(香港大學理學院副院長-發展及外務)
- 丁南僑博士(香港大學理學院副院長-教學與學習)
傳媒採訪,請聯絡香港大學理學院傳訊經理陳詩迪小姐(電話:2241 5286/ 6703 0212)或電郵至[email protected] 。
HKU Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning public lecture on "Planning of Urban Spaces/Places: Memories and Prosperity"
Details as follows:
Speaker: Prof. Bryan H. Massam, FRSC, York University, Toronto, Canada
Date: October 10, 2011 (Monday)
Time: 6:45pm - 7:45pm
Venue: Room 820, 8/F Knowles Building, HKU
For details, please visit Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning website at: www.hku.hk/cusup
For enquiries, please call tel: 2859 2721
日期︰2011年10月12日 (星期三)
地點︰香港金鐘道 95號統一中心10樓統一會議中心
傳媒查詢,請聯絡港大傳訊及公共事務處助理總監(傳媒)徐佩瑩小姐 (電話︰2859 2606/電郵︰[email protected] ) 或港大傳訊及公共事務處經理(傳媒)尹慧筠小姐 (電話︰2859 2600/電郵︰[email protected])。
HKUL Centenary Book Talk - Power and Charity: A Chinese Merchant Elite in Colonial Hong Kong
Through the history of a charitable institution, the Tung Wah Hospital, the book reshapes and greatly deepens our understanding of the evolving interactions between the Chinese community in Hong Kong and the colonial rulers. It traces the rise to power of the Chinese merchants who organized and operated the Hospital and the complex relationships that the Hospital developed with the colonial regime, Mainland Chinese officials and the Chinese people of Hong Kong.
The speaker Dr Leong Che-hung is the Chairman of the HKU Council. Dr Leong was graduated from HKU in 1962 and worked in the Department of Surgery from 1964 to 1978. He has been an elected Member of the Council of the University since 2004, is Chairman of the Council's Grievance Panel, an Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Medicine and an Honorary (DSc honoris causa) Graduate of the University.
The talk will be moderated by HKU Librarian Mr Peter Sidorko.
Date: October 13, 2011 (Thursday)
Time: 7:15 pm - 9:00 pm
Venue: Special Collections, 1/F Main Library
Language: English
「香港大學每週活動推介」逢星期五以電郵傳送給登記客戶,如想登記,請致電郵 [email protected] 給何小姐。謝謝。