- 鋻於學生對就業發展機會的需求日益增加,大專院校正致力提升研究生專業技能和職業發展的培育。
- 在競爭激烈的全球經濟中,各地政府正努力加強研究生培育與勞動力發展之間的聯繫。
- 僱主們在國內及全球的對話中,提及畢業生所需的技能及他們對畢業生的期望。
香港大學副校長(研究)及研究學院院長譚廣亨教授說 :「35位大學及研究生院領導人於是次高峰會訂下重要的發展路向,好讓我們為知識型社會的未來領袖提供所需的支援。」譚教授續說:「今年是香港大學100 週年,香港大學適逢其會於此時與研究生院協會(Council of Graduate Schools)合辦這個重要的國際性會議,實在饒有意義及令人振奮。」
CGS主席Dr Stewart說:「一如以往,是次高峰會探討了各式其式的最佳策略,為提升及改善研究生教育,剌激新思維。」Dr Stewart續說:「雖然各國及各地區提升研究生職業發展的策略及方法有顯著的不同之處,但是是次高峰會的與會者均一致支持推動將研究生的職前準備納入為研生教育的其中一環。」
過去幾次高峰會的主題為研究生教育的國際合作(Banff, 2007及San Francisco, 2009),推廣學術及研究道德及誠信(Florence, 2008),及評估研究生教育及研究的質素(Brisbane, 2010)。會議的內容將會被整理成一份報告,於2012年出版。
About CGS
The Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) is an organization of over 500 institutions of higher education in the United States and Canada engaged in graduate education, research, and the preparation of candidates for advanced degrees. Among U.S. institutions, CGS members award 92% of the doctoral degrees and 77% of the master's degrees.* The organization's mission is to improve and advance graduate education, which it accomplishes through advocacy in the federal policy arena, research, and the development and dissemination of best practices. www.cgsnet.org
About The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) is Hong Kong's oldest university. As an English-medium university with a history that stretches back 100 years, it has grown with and helped shape the city from which it takes its name.
Today, HKU is recognized internationally as a dynamic and comprehensive university of world-class standing. With its distinguished excellence in research and outstanding performance in teaching, it attracts first-class teaching and research staff and brilliant students from around the world.
HKU is ranked as Asia's best university by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings 2011, and as 21st in the world by the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings in 2010-11.
Press contacts:
The University of Hong Kong
Anna Wong, Graduate School
[email protected] /(852) 2517-6382
Council of Graduate Schools:
Belle Woods
[email protected] /202-461-3858