香港大學(港大)社會科學學院社會工作及社會行政學系將聯同美國喬治亞州大學舉辦爲期兩天(5月6日及7日)的港大百周年紀念活動「劇增的高齡長者與人瑞」國際會議。會議雲集海外科學家及本地研究人員,就有關亞洲和西方國家高齡人口、社會心理、行為、功能、老年病學 (例如生物標記,客觀測量 /體能測試) 等範疇作學術交流,是首次以此為題,在香港舉行的國際會議。
日期:2011 年5 月6 日至7 日(星期五及六)
5 月6 日由上午8時45分至下午6時15分
5 月7日由上午9時至下午12時30分
查詢或安排與學者訪問,請聯絡許先生(2241 5582) 或電郵[email protected]。
Hong Kong Women's NGO Forum: Working with CEDAW
HKSAR Government is a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). As part of its compliance, it will be submitting, together with the Mainland Chinese government, a Hong Kong report to the UN CEDAW committee in due course. This occasion is an opportunity to bring together frontline NGOs and researchers to HKU which has encouraged for some time, a policy for knowledge exchange and community outreach. The discussions, planned along themed panels, will involve local activists and researchers deliberating on current issues. It is hoped that such an engagement will stimulate the writing of alternative reports in Hong Kong in order to improve the lives of many women who still face discrimination.
The forum is jointly organized by the Women's Studies Research Centre (WSRC), the Emerging Strategic Research Theme (ESRT) on Diversity Studies, HKU Centre for Comparative and Public Law (CCPL), and the Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres (HKFWC).
Date: May 7, 2011 (Sat)
Time: 9:00 am - 6:15 pm
Venue: Council Chamber, 8/F, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
Registration required, please email [email protected] to reserve a place.
For enquiries,, please contact Flora Leung by email at [email protected] or by phone at 2859 2941.
前無國界醫生副主席 迪迪耶˙法三教授主講「當人道主義走進戰場」
香港大學(港大)人文醫學中心將於5月11日(星期三)舉行一場公開講座,題目為「當人道主義走進戰場」,由前無國界醫生副主席迪迪耶˙法三教授(Professor Didier Fassin)主講。講座由港大人文醫學中心聯席總監白錦文博士(Dr Robert Peckham)主持。法三教授現為普林斯頓高等研究院詹姆斯‧沃爾芬森教授(社會科學)。他曾擔任無國界醫生副主席(至2003年)。今年五月起,他獲委任為港大人文醫學中心客座教授。法三教授廣泛研究巴勒斯坦和加沙人在衝突下所受的創傷,以及那些從亞洲、中東、北非到歐洲尋求庇護的難民的經歷。在講座中,他將分享他的研究成果及個人經歷,當中包括對伊拉克和阿富汗戰爭和近期在阿拉伯國家的人民起義浪潮的體會。
日期:2011年5 月11日(星期三)
時間:下午6 時30 分至7 時30 分
有關更多講座詳情,請登入以下網址: http://www.chm.hku.hk/humanitarianism.html
傳媒查詢或邀約法三教授訪問,請聯絡港大冼順英小姐。(電話:2859 2867 / 電郵:[email protected])
Another lecture by Professor Didier Fassin"Global Health and Conspiracy Theories"
Professor Didier Fassin, former Administrator then Vice-President of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) will give a lecture on "Global Health and Conspiracy Theories". Conspiracy theories around health issues have a long history from the medieval plague and nineteenth century cholera in Europe to the recent contestation of the polio vaccines in Nigeria. The most dramatic episode in the past decades has concerned AIDS in the country which is the most severely affected worldwide: South Africa. Based on an ethnography conducted in the black townships as well as in the political arena, the lecture will propose an analysis of what is often thought to be not only irrational but also incomprehensible. The argument is that the study of counter-narratives can shed light on some of the crucial issues of contemporary societies. Conspiracy theories express social imaginaries and political anxieties that remain unspeakable or unheard.
Date: 13 May 2011 (Friday)
Time: 12:30pm to 1:45pm
Venue: Exhibition Area, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU, Sassoon Road
Language: English
For further information, please visit: http://www.chm.hku.hk/global_health.html
For enquiries, please contact Maria Sin by email at [email protected]
「香港大學每週活動推介」逢星期五以電郵傳送給登記客戶,如想登記,請致電郵 [email protected] 給何小姐。謝謝。