香港大學教育學院勤達傑出學人Professor Anne Watson
數學老師一直都面對著一個難題,就是怎樣能讓班上學習能力各異的學生明白核心的數學概念。針對這個問題,過去有不同的解決方法。是次講座將會探討以下幾方面:首先會討論知識出現差異的原因,學生對數學的看法及解決問題時會作出的選擇,並探討這幾方面怎樣影響學生處理數學的問題。接著將提出怎樣有效地設計教學方案,讓所有學生都能夠投入學習數學。牛津大學數學教育教授Professor Anne Watson會在講座中提出如何透過教學法與教材的設計來讓所有學生都能夠掌握數學理念。
日期:2011年1月22日 (星期六)
傳媒查詢,請聯絡香港大學教育學院發展及傳訊經理Ms. Queenie Wong (電話: 2219 4270 / 手機: 9220 5840 / 傳真: 2540 6360 / 電郵: [email protected] )。
Privacy Regulations in the Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a world where physical objects are seamlessly integrated into an information network. Services are available to interact with the "smart objects" over the Internet. The implementation of the IoT architecture and the use of RFID raise a number of legal questions related to the privacy of the concerned persons: (i) Is there a need for additional (international and/or national) laws or self-regulations in order to improve privacy? (ii) Which new issues need to be tackled in view of the technological challenges posed by the IoT? (iii) If new laws are needed, which kinds of laws are required and what is the time frame for their implementation? Several approaches do exist, however, the chances and challenges are to be discussed in more detail, for example related to a right-to-know-legislation, a prohibition-legislation or an IT-security legislation. The Speaker Professor Rolf H. Weber is Visiting Research Professor of HKU Faculty of Law.
日期:2011年1月24日 (星期一)
查詢,請聯絡Cecilia Man (電話:2859 2941,電郵:[email protected])
Sovereign Immunity and the Basic Law: Implications of FG Hemisphere Associates (the Congo Case) for Hong Kong
On February 10, 2010, the Court of Appeal (by majority) found that the international rule of restrictive immunity continued to apply in Hong Kong, notwithstanding that the rule of absolute immunity may be applicable to Mainland China. The Court of Final Appeal will consider the case in March 2011, and, before it can adjudicate, it may need for the first time a certifying document from the Central People's Government or an interpretation of the Basic Law from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. In this panel discussion, legal academics in the Centre for Comparative and Public Law will consider and debate the legal and wider implications of the case from the perspectives of constitutional law, public international law, the reception of international law in Hong Kong's domestic law, and business law.
- 亞洲國際金融法研究院總監Douglas Arner教授
- Tony Carty, Sir YK Pao Chair Professor in Public Law
- 陳弘毅教授, Chan Professor in Constitutional Law
- Oliver Jones, Assistant Professor
日期:2011年1月28日 (星期五)
查詢,請聯絡梁小姐 (電話:2859 2941,電郵:[email protected])
「香港大學每週活動推介」逢星期五以電郵傳送給登記客戶,如想登記,請致電郵 [email protected] 給何小姐。謝謝。