Global Citizenship Public Lecture: Four-year Trends from the Global Peace IndexThe Global Peace Index is the first ever study to rank the countries of the world by their peacefulness. It is composed of 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators from respected sources and in 2010 has been expanded to rank 149 independent states. This has allowed a unique view of peace to be formed; fact-based and constructive in its approach to working on the many and varied global challenges that humanity is facing. Based on a comparison of the results from the Global Peace Index from 2007 to 2010, this presentation provides an introductory analysis of the four-year trends in peacefulness. It will also cover the structure of the index, including definitions used and the sources of information for each indicator.
講者:Clyde McConaghy, Board Director, Institute for Economics & Peace
傳媒查詢,請聯絡Florence Luk女士 電郵︰[email protected]。
Meet the Entrepreneurs Series - by Mr Leslie George Santos (山度士先生)
In his talk titled "Face ever- changing career", Mr Santos will share his career from an athlete to a coach to a soccer training school founder. Through his personal experience, he will inspire students to consider non mainstream careers and advise students what essential qualities are needed to develop a successful career. The programme is offered by Economic Synergy and the Centre of Development and Resources for Students.
講者:Mr Leslie George Santos (山度士先生)
主持人:梁劉柔芬議員(立法會議員 - 紡織及製衣界)
如有疑問,請查詢學生發展及資源中心,電郵[email protected]或致電 2857 8387。
片名叫《小東西》只是低調的障眼法,事實它似牛逼人來!內地文學課程必讀著名作家朱文,以三年時間完成這個三天三夜的小故事。兩位主人公一中一西相遇在蒙古草原,雞同鴨講時靦腆得多麼斷背。一個情有獨「中」,一個心有靈「西」,這回該如何分解?喜劇、懸疑、功夫共冶一爐,超現實的幽魂又在搔首弄姿,盡顯導演駕馭不同類型片種的風範。兩位男優一位是內地著名畫家,一位是世博盧森堡館館長。製作班底還包括《滿城盡帶黄金甲》的美術指導、《孔雀》的造型設計、《鬼子來了》的攝影、《三峽好人》的剪接和國際歌手Sainkho Namchylak獻唱一曲,這小你原來是來大我的。
地點:香港大學本部大樓 MB205室
《小東西》電影特別放映會 (須預先登記)
查詢,請聯絡Helena Wu (電話︰28592757/電郵︰[email protected])
印度之夜 - Sachin Patwardhan 在港大演奏薩羅德琴及曼陀林
來自印度的Sachin Patwardhan將於11月17日(星期三)晚上7時30分,在香港大學陸佑堂舉行音樂會,與塔布拉鼓鼓手 Ajinkya Joshi演繹印度傳統音樂,曲目以薩羅德琴及曼陀林兩種樂器為主。Sachin Patwardhan 出生自一個音樂世家,自小學習多種樂器,後隨北印度當代大師 Ustaad Amjad Ali Khan Sahab 學習薩羅德琴,啟發他對樂器技巧的掌握,並不斷鑽研及學習,經常到世界各地表演如倫敦皇家亞伯廳,發揚印度傳統音樂。Ajinkya Joshi 是印度年輕一代的塔布拉鼓鼓手。來自印度音樂之都普那,自幼學習塔布拉鼓,師隨 Taal Yogi Pandit Suresh Talwalkar. 他經常與不同的印度樂手合作,以塔布拉鼓伴奏,並於印度各地表演。
日期︰2010年11月17日 (星期三)
節目查詢︰[email protected]
傳媒查詢,請聯絡港大文學院節目經理麥家珮小姐 (電話:2859 8048/電郵:[email protected]) 或港大傳訊及公共事務處助理總監(傳媒)徐佩瑩小姐,電話︰2859 2606/電郵︰[email protected]
Social Innovation Public Lecture: Age-friendly Cities with Cooperation & Participation
The two speakers will separately deliver a talk under two topics: demographic change and adult ageing. Demographic change is a precursor to many serious social consequences experienced by older citizens in a world where the focus tends to remain fixed on the youth of today. Labour market shortages, unparalleled health care expenditures and changing family structures are just a few of trends challenging governments globally. Alongside these facts are a multitude of misperceptions about productivity or lack thereof of ‘older people' which often results in a one-sided conversation about the burden of ageing society. Dr. Jane Barratt, Secretary General, International Federation on Ageing will explore the myths and misperception of population ageing, question outdated definitions, describe a 'new norm' in policies and programs and give purpose to the concept that older people are central to the community of tomorrow.
International perceptions of adult ageing are changing dramatically over a relatively short historical period. Whether population ageing is seen as a threat, an opportunity or some combination of both, has become a serious question of global reach. In order to adapt to such changes policy-makers are beginning to realize that as well as being a problem of demography, it is also a question of culture and cultural adaptation. It is a question for national governments which has also been taken up by international organizations. Professor Simon Biggs, Professor of Gerontology and Social Policy, University of Melbourne will examine the perspectives of two such organizations in more detail.
傳媒查詢,請聯絡Ms Florence Luk (電郵︰[email protected] )。
Public talk on "The Community of the Common Law"
Since Hong Kong became an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China, its residents have continued to enjoy the further legacy of the common law. But what is the meaning of 'the common law' in Hong Kong? Is it the common law of England or of Hong Kong or both? How is it to be reconciled with the customary law of Hong Kong, derived in large part from China? How is it to meet the needs of the people of Hong Kong, whose personal legacy includes historical, as well as current and future identity as part of China? How does it relate to regimes of other states? What can the common law offer for the future? In this talk, Mr Justice David Baragwanath, Former Judge of the Court of Appeal of New Zealand; President of the New Zealand Law Commission; and Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, HKU, will seek to offer ideas from a common lawyer's experience in other jurisdictions in answering these questions.
傳媒查詢,請聯絡Ms Lydia Bute (電郵︰[email protected] /傳真︰2559 3543)。