International Media Conference: Reporting New Realities in Asia and the Pacific At The University of Hong Kong – April 25-28, 2010 (English only)
Shifting power dynamics and changing economic landscapes. China's growing impact and Obama's developing foreign policies. Challenges in security, climate and health. Emerging media models.
Journalists today are faced with an astonishing range of new realities to report, and nowhere are these more evident than in the world's most dynamic region -- the Asia Pacific.
Get expert on-the-ground updates and insights on key news and media issues. Build new networks and information sources among an anticipated 200 journalists and other professionals from Asia, the Pacific and the U.S. Co-sponsored by the East-West Center's Asia Pacific Center for Journalists and the University of Hong Kong's Journalism and Media Studies Centre .
Featured speakers and panelists include:
• Surin Pitsuwan, ASEAN Secretary-General
• Kurt Campbell, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State
• Hu Shuli, Editor-in-Chief, Caixin Media, China
• Sanjaya Baru, Editor, Business Standard, India, former Media Advisor to the Prime Minister
• Asia Pacific and U.S. Experts on Internet media
• For tentative agenda and speakers: www.eastwestcenter.org/mediaconference
Registration fee:
• Early-bird registration - U.S. $175 by March 22, 2010
Regular registration - U.S. $225 starting March 23, 2010
(Fee includes all conference materials and sessions, gala dinner, three lunches and one evening reception, choice of a 1/2 day field trip in Hong Kong or Kowloon.)
• Daily rates now available for Hong Kong residents
• Local/international news organizations can apply for ONE transferrable pass. This includes entry to all sessions, not including meals. Please contact Ms. Kylie Chan + (852) 2219-4416/ [email protected] to apply.
Pre-conference newsgathering study tour & post-conference excursion
Note: These tours require fees in addition to the conference registration.
Urgent: registration deadlines approaching!
Shifting Dynamics in China's Pearl River Delta
April 22-25
In visits to Shenzhen - the once sleepy fishing village that is now a bustling, modern city of more than 10 million people ¬- and to still-developing Dongguan, participants will have an opportunity to learn about South China's past, present and future.
Fee: U.S. $485
Registration deadline: March 12, 2010
Hong Kong Today and Beyond
April 29
Meetings with government, business, and community leaders to discuss the economy and other important Hong Kong issues.
Fee: U.S. $75
Registration deadline: March 22, 2010
For details and online registration: www.eastwestcenter.org/mediaconference
For more information:
• Hong Kong: Ms. Kylie Chan + (852) 2219-4416/ [email protected]
• Honolulu: + (1) 808-944-7332/ [email protected]