HKUL Book Talk: When True Love Came to China
Speaker: Ms Lynn Pan
Moderator: Dr Binbin Yang, Ph. D. Assistant Professor, School of Chinese, University of Hong Kong
Date: 14 April 2016 (Thursday)
Time: 6:30 to 8:00pm
Venue: Special Collections, 1/F, Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Language: English
Registration: http://lib.hku.hk/friends/reading_club/bt2016_03.html
About the author:
Lynn Pan was born in Shanghai and educated in London and Cambridge, England. She is the author of more than a dozen books on China and the Chinese diaspora, including Shanghai Style; Tracing It Home; and Sons of the Yellow Emperor, the winner of the Martin Luther King Memorial Prize
About the book:
Most people suppose that the whole world knows what it is to love; that romantic love is universal, quintessentially human. Such a supposition has to be able to meet three challenges. It has to justify its underlying assumption that all cultures mean the same thing by the word ‘love’ regardless of language. It has to engage with the scholarly debate on whether or not romantic love was invented in Europe and is uniquely Western. And it must be able to explain why early twentieth-century Chinese writers claimed that they had never known true love, or love by modern Western standards. By addressing these three challenges through a literary, historical, philosophical, biographical and above all comparative approach, this highly original work shows how love’s profile in China shifted with the rejection of arranged marriages and concubinage in favour of free individual choice, monogamy and a Western model of romantic love.
Media Contact: Mr. Gary Chin, Tel: 2859 2211 / Ms. Marina Yeung, Tel: 2859 8903
Celebrating 30 Years of Criminology at HKU-Through the Years Exhibition opens in April
The exhibition looks at the history of the Master of Social Sciences in Criminology programme, our links with criminal justice institutions and community partners, and showcases research work by staff and students on major topics of crime, deviance and justice in Hong Kong and beyond in the past three decades.
About the Exhibition
Our Master of Social Sciences in Criminology programme has been running for 30 years and remains the only taught postgraduate programme specializing in criminology in Hong Kong. The programme is distinctive in that it has nurtured the development of culturally relevant research on the problem of crime through student dissertation projects. Between 1988 and 2015, we have collected a repository of over 200 dissertations. In looking at this repository of knowledge, we take stock of how criminology started at HKU, how it has progressed, and new possibilities.
The exhibition in divided into 5 zones. The Alumni Zone showcases alumni research work on five key themes - juvenile delinquency and youth justice; correctional settings and services; police and policing; the cultural landscape of Hong Kong crime; women and gender. Visitors can trace how social and economic changes have shaped the problem of crime and crime control and the development of criminology in Hong Kong over the past three decades. The Reading Corner and Historical Artifacts Zone offer visitors a chance to read the collection of research work and to look at some of the archives about the origins of the Master of Social Sciences in Criminology programme at HKU. The Local, Regional, Global and Future Zone exhibits faculty research and community collaborations. Finally, the Photo Slideshow zone presents some of the precious memories of faculty and alumni throughout the past three decades.
Date: 5 April – 30 April, 2016
Venue: MC³@702 Creative Space, 7/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Opening Hours: 10:30am – 6:15pm (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
Language: English
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact Executive Assistant Connie Ko by email at [email protected] or by phone at 39172309.
香港大學學生陳麗芳於早前參加「平等.共融攝影比賽」獲得冠軍, 另一名港大學生Duraisamy Karthi亦贏得優異獎。是次比賽的最終入圍作品將於2016年4月18日至22日於香港大學百周年校園智華館地下展出,歡迎各界人士觀賞。
展出日期: 2016年4月18日(星期一) 至4月24日(星期日)
開放時間: 上午9時至 下午6時
地點: 香港大學百周年校園智華館地下
查詢電話: (852) 3917 5171
1. UMAG receives two limited-edition prints from the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation: Ghada and Sayed from the series Our House is on Fire An exploration of humanity through conflict
Period: March 23, 2016 (Wednesday)
The University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has been selected by the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation (RRF) to receive a donation of two photographic prints by distinguished Iranian artist Shirin Neshat.
Ghada and Sayed, portraits of an Egyptian woman and man, are from Neshat’s Our House is on Fire series, which was commissioned by the RRF in 2012 as part of their One-to-One initiative, in which contemporary artists create work in the service of human rights. In the series, Neshat investigates the universal experience of pain and mourning on national and personal levels as part of her exploration of Egypt’s Arab Spring. In Egypt, the artist invited people to sit down in front of her camera and share their individual stories of loss. By photographing her subjects at such close range, Neshat creates a poignant connection between subject and viewer. She overlays the images with a nearly indecipherable veil of text, generated from poems written during the Iranian Revolution. The Persian calligraphy inscribed across the folds of each face mirrors the way in which a national calamity has become embedded in the personal history of each individual, while bringing into conversation the Arabic speaking Egyptian world and Neshat’s Persian roots.
UMAG Director Florian Knothe notes that “HKU has an international cohort of teaching staff and affiliated students who will be able to study the context of the artworks and their significance. These powerful images will generate discussions on political, religious and social topics. Likewise, we will be able to explore the artist’s meaning and modes of engagement through the images.”
Other institutions receiving the prints include: American University of Beirut, Brandeis University, Columbia University, Dartmouth University, Duke University, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University, Rhode Island School of Design, Stanford University, Tufts University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Chicago, University of Michigan, University of Pennsylvania, University of Texas at Austin, University of Virginia, University of Washington, Vanderbilt University, Wesleyan University, and Yale University.
Opening Hours:
09:30 – 18:00 daily
Closed on University and Public Holidays
Venue: 1/F, Chi Wah Learning Commons, Centennial Campus, HKU
Tel/Email: (852) 2241 5500 (General Enquiry) / [email protected]
Admission: Free
About the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation
The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation fosters the legacy of the life, artistic practice, and activist philosophy of one of the most important artists of the 20th century. Through exhibitions, scholarship, grants, and a residency program, the Foundation furthers Rauschenberg’s belief that art can change the world. For more information, please click here.
2. 傳統與現代交織《若宮隆志的藝術:當代日本漆藝》展出一絲不苟的手藝工序
展出日期: 2016年3月18日(星期五)至2016年6月19日(星期日)
公衆導賞 (約25分鐘)
早上11時:講座 – 費用全免。名額有限,先到先得。
下午3時:工作坊 – 費用爲港幣100元正。
時間:下午3時:工作坊 – 費用爲港幣100元正。
3. 以多媒體闡述世界大事《陳曦:所以記憶》展覽
展出日期: 2016年3月2日(星期三)至5月15日(星期日)
電話:(852)2241 5500/ 電郵:[email protected] (一般查詢)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/umag.hku
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UMAG_HKU
Instagram: #WakamiyaLacquer, #JapaneseLacquer
Weibo: http://www.weibo.com/5411839295/profile?topnav=1&wvr=6
香港大學美術博物館聯絡主任張寶儀小姐,電話:(852)2241 5512,電郵:[email protected]