1. Chinese Painting Exhibition
Held in coordination with the Institute of Chinese Business and Management Consultant and the China Oriental Arts Association
Date: 12-23 October, 2015
Location: Multi-Purpose Zone, 3/F of the University of Hong Kong Library
Time: During Main Library Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Closed on Public Holidays
Open Ceremony
Date: October 12, 2015 (Monday)
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Venue: HKU library
For enquiries, please contact:
Marina S.T. Yeung
Public Relations and Development Assistant
Tel: +852 28598903 | Email: [email protected]
Gary E. Chin
Public Relations and Development Manager
Tel: +852 28592211 | Email: [email protected]
2. Marco Polo Bridge to Pearl Harbor: China’s Solitary Fight Against Japan During World War II Exhibition and Ephemera Discussion
Encompassing a collection of books, maps, photos, magazines, posters, and a number of materials concerning 1930s China and United States’ support of China pre-Pearl Harbor.
Date: October 13 - 23, 2015
Time: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm (Closed on Public Holiday)
Location: Special Collections, 1/F Main Library, the University of Hong Kong
Roy Delbyck, a US customs and trade attorney collects printed materials on China and the Chinese people. His collection of over 10,000 items consists of books, maps, photos, programs, magazines, posters, post cards, luggage labels, letters, diaries, envelopes, yearbooks, directories, and a number of other amazing ephemera.
Roy’s collection has a number of strengths, among them materials concerning 1930s China and US support of China pre-Pearl Harbor, which Roy will draw upon in his presentation on the first years of China’s World War II when China fought alone. These materials illuminate the hope with which this decade began and the despair with which it ended.
What China is today was shaped by its World War II experience. Roy’s presentation will be of interest to anyone interested in the history of 20th Century China and is especially fitting in this 70th anniversary year of the end of World War II.
Roy Delbyck is a US customs and trade attorney who opened his own law practice in Hong Kong in 1993. Roy began collecting 4 years ago.
Date: 15 October 15, 2015 (Thursday)
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Venue: Special Collections, 1/F, Main Library, The University of Hong Kong
Language: English
Registration: http://lib.hku.hk/cgi-bin/reading_club/frm_gp.cgi?category=2
For enquiries, please contact:
Marina S.T. Yeung
Public Relations and Development Assistant
Tel: +852 28598903 | Email: [email protected]
Gary E. Chin
Public Relations and Development Manager
Tel: +852 28592211 | Email: [email protected]
1. 「墨西哥.乾坤創世」著名抽象畫家羅拔圖.特恩布爾作品東亞首展
展出日期: 2015年9月9日(星期三)至11月29日(星期日)
自1990年代起,特恩布爾一直廣泛地嘗試各種印刷工藝,並且獨創一種技法 --- 在玻璃或金屬介質表面鋪施圖層,隨即在此圖層上進行繪製,在顏料未乾時再加印其他圖層。此技法使他能夠創作多層圖像,藉此表現碎片化的人體,以及從非傳統視角描繪不遵循正常邏輯的人與物。近年,特恩布爾擯棄了對現實的重現或反映,轉而極力嘗試使用此技法來建構圖像。他的幾何派風格畫自成一格,構成一種新式的抽象或極簡主義藝術。
2. 《烽火山河:民國與抗戰(1912至1946)》展出中國歷史留下的珍貴原始文稿
展出日期: 2015年9月4日(星期五)至11月15日(星期日)
《烽火山河:民國與抗戰(1912至1946)》展覽是2012年《烽火山河:外夷與志士(1839至1911)》展覽之續篇; 2012年的展覽以晚清與中國帝制末期的歷史為焦點,是次展覽由孫中山的冒起銜接上回,並以中國人民為建立民主共和國所付出的巨大努力、外來因素對當時中國政治的影響,以及中國日後如何演繹這段歷史作爲主題。
電話:(852)2241 5500/ 電郵:[email protected] (一般查詢)
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港大美術博物館聯絡主任張寶儀小姐,電話:(852)2241 5512,電郵:[email protected]