港大日本研究系舉辦名為《香港日本連繫 ︰從天空到校園》的展覽,展出日本航空首次推廣其三藩市及香港航線的廣告。展期為即日起到2015年4月30日,展覽地點為香港大學逸夫教學樓地下藝術走廊。是次展覽由現代語言及文化學院日本研究系中野嘉子博士策劃,展出日本航空由1950到1970年代的廣告。這些廣告主要來自中野博士的研究︰日本在二戰後如何在海外代表自己。
《香港日本連繫 : 從天空到校園》
傳媒查詢,請聯絡港大文學院活動統籌陳卓鈞先生(電話︰3917 4984/電郵︰[email protected])。
Two exhibitions “Vernacular: Liu Qinghe in Hong Kong” & “Being-there: Works by Chen Shuxia” will be on display at UMAG
The University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) collaborates with The Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) to present two exhibitions by renowned Chinese artists Liu Qing-he and Chen Shu-xia: “Vernacular: Liu Qinghe in Hong Kong” and “Being-there: Works by Chen Shuxia” from April 17 to May 24, 2015.
“Vernacular—Liu Qinghe in Hong Kong” is an exhibition that features more than sixty contemporary ink works by Liu Qing-he (b.1961), an artist and professor at the academy who is best known for his unique style of contemporary ink paintings. His works often portray social realities and their impact on Chinese families, individuals and the artist himself.
“Being-there: Works by Chen Shuxia”, displays a selection of paintings by Chen Shu-xia. An exhibiting artist for the past 30 years, Chen’s artwork builds on the traditional genre of oil painting and its long-practised and western-influenced techniques through the presentation of portraits and still-lifes, subjects and styles informed by her daily observations.
Details of the Exhibitions
Period: April 17, 2015 (Friday) to May 24, 2015 (Sun)
Opening Hours:
09:30 – 18:00 (Mon to Sat)
13:00 – 18:00 (Sun)
Closed on University and Public Holidays
Vernacular: Liu Qing-he in Hong Kong - 1/F T.T. Tsui Building, University Museum and Art Gallery, the University of Hong Kong, 90 Bonham Road, Pokfulam
Being There: Works by Chen Shu-xia - 1/F Fung Ping Shan Building, University Museum and Art Gallery, the University of Hong Kong, 90 Bonham Road, Pokfulam
Tel/Email: (852) 2241 5500 (General Enquiry) / [email protected]
Fees: Free Admission
Website: www.hkumag.hku.hk
Media enquiries:
UMAG Communication Officer Miss Elena Cheung, Tel: (852) 2241 5512, Email: [email protected]