從爭議中找共識 一 港大舉辦退休保障大辯論
香港退休保障早已成為社會一個廣泛關注和爭議的社會問題,人口老化確實對香港社會未來可持續的發展帶來衝擊。不同的持份者對此公共政策議題亦抱有不同的意見,甚至南轅北轍。香港大學社會科學學院期望透過11月10日的「公共政策論壇 -- 香港退休保障:老問題、新思維」,讓持不同觀點的專家學者在公共政策的分析框架下作出討論,從不同的角度中反思這個全民退休保障的課題。
日期: 2014年11月10日(本星期一)
第一部份: 記者會簡報
時間: 下午3時正
地點: 香港大學百周年校園賽馬會教學樓11樓1110室 (地圖)
- 香港大學社會科學學院 方敏生教授
- 香港大學社會科學學院社會工作及社會行政學系 陳麗雲教授
- 香港大學社會科學學院政治與公共行政學系 林維峯教授
第二部份: 公共政策論壇 -- 香港退休保障:老問題、新思維
時間: 下午4時至6時
地點: 香港大學百周年校園賽馬會教學樓11樓社會科學會議廳
香港大學社會科學學院薛曉霞小姐 (電話:39171203 / 92678877 電郵:[email protected])。香港大學傳訊及公共事務處尹慧筠小姐(電話:28592600 /電郵:[email protected])。
陳弘毅 (人大決議)
陳文敏 (公民提名)
張達明 (禁令與法治)
湯家驊 (公民抗命)
楊艾文 (檢控政策)
歡迎傳媒採訪,請先向Ms Rachel Li (電郵 : [email protected])聯絡留坐。
日期: 2014 年11月12日 (星期三)
歡迎傳媒採訪,請先向Ms Rachel Li (電郵 : [email protected])聯絡留坐。
Talk on “Engaging Apparel as a Media to Care for the Needy”
The University of Hong Kong is hosting the Equal Opportunities Festival 2014 from November 5 to November 21, 2014 and a series of events will be held with the aim to enhance the awareness of equal opportunity issues among students and staff.
One of the events is a talk on “Engaging Apparel as a Media to Care for the Needy” to be delivered by Dr Frency Ng, Director of the Care Apparel Centre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, on November 13 (Thursday). In the talk, Dr. Ng will share her research related to care apparels for people with disabilities. All members of the public are welcome.
Dr Ng graduated with a Higher Diploma in Fashion & Clothing Technology from the Hong Kong Polytechnic and was awarded a Ph.D. from De Montfort University, UK, on the basis of research in the area of pressure garments. Dr Ng is currently an Associate Professor and the Director of Care Apparel Centre in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dr Ng has published on topics of relevance to medical clothing, special clothing for the elderly and the disabled, and pressure garments for treatment of hypertrophic scars. She has initiated the efforts to create care apparels to suit the various needs of the elderly people and the people with disabilities, and set up the Care Apparel Centre at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Date: November 13, 2014 (Thursday)
Time: 1 to 2pm
Venue: Lecture Room 07, G/F, Main Building, HKU
For more details of the Equal Opportunities Festival 2014, please visit the following website: http://www.eounit.hku.hk/eofestival/2014/
For media enquire, please contact Ms Melanie Wan of the Communication and Public Affairs Office at 2859 2600 or email to [email protected].
HKUL: Jorge Luis Borges - of Tigers and Labyrinths Book Exhibition
The Jorge Luis Borges - of Tigers and Labyrinths Book Exhibition will be held in the Special Collections area on the first floor of the Main Library, the University of Hong Kong. The exhibition will run from 10th November to 21st November 2014 (5:00P.M.)
In coordination with the Consulate General of the Argentine Republic in Hong Kong and Macau, the University of Hong Kong Libraries will exhibit a private collection of rare and first editions, photo books and book collections of the great Argentine author Jorge Luis Borges.
Jorge Luis Borges (born August 24, 1899, Buenos Aires, Argentina - died June 14 1986, Geneva, Switzerland), is by any account one of the greatest writers of the Twentieth Century, standing alongside such immortal figures as James Joyce, Marcel Proust, Robert Musil, Franz Kafka, Samuel Beckett, Vladimir Nabokov, Hermann Broch, T.S. Eliot, William Faulkner, Fernando Pessoa, etc.
Date: November 10 to 21, 2014
Venue: G/F & 1/F (Special Collections), Main Library, HKU
Media Contact: Mr. Gary Chin, Tel: 2859 2211 / Ms. Marina Yeung, Tel: 2859 8903