HKUL Book Talk: Macao – People and Places, Past and Present
Speaker: Jason Wordie
Date: 30 October, 2014 (Thursday)
Time: 6:30 – 8:00pm
Venue: Special Collections, 1/F Main Library
Language: English
About the Author
Jason Wordie is an established local historian and writer in Hong Kong who gives historical lectures for a variety of community groups and cultural organisations, in addition to various well-known corporate bodies as well as conducting historical walks in Hong Kong, Macao, Canton (Guangzhou) and Humen. Jason’s books include Streets: Exploring Hong Kong Island, published by Hong Kong University Press in 2002 and its companion volume Streets: Exploring Kowloon, published 2007 by Hong Kong University Press. For more than ten years, Jason has had a series of regular columns in the South China Morning Post. His current column, Then and Now, appears every week in the Sunday Morning Post’s Post Magazine.
About the Book
Macao contains abundant corners of appeal and fascination, and enduring links to the past in spite of considerable transformation, and rapid change in recent years. A compelling, multi-layered social history, Macao – People and Places, Past and Present with stunning photographs by Anthony J Hedley and Colin Day - takes the reader on a series of journeys across physical, geographical, chronological and cultural space and time from the Barrier Gate in the north to Coloane in the south. In the process, Jason Wordie reveals the many dimensions that make Macao the uniquely special place that it is – and has always been. The book includes 22 original hand drawn maps by Wee Kek Koon.
Registration: http://lib.hku.hk/friends/reading_club/bt2014_04.html
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact Marina Yeung by email at [email protected]
首次在香港展出: 《方寸大千:鴻遠閣藏索振海內畫鼻煙壺》
展覽日期: 2014年9月24日(星期三) 至2014年11月2日(星期日)
當代內畫大師索振海(1944年 – 2006年)為河北饒陽縣人,曾習宋元文化藝術並上追明清畫風及精細筆法。碩果累累的索振海,曾參與國際展覽,許多巧奪天工的作品及現藏於衡水習三內畫藝術院的精品,均為其贏得讚譽。是次展覽所展出逾一百五十件以山水及風俗畫為主的作品,不僅見證內畫泰斗索振海“納大千於方寸”的鬼斧神工,亦體現這歷經數個世紀的傳統工藝是如何讓人心迷神醉。
展覽日期: 2014年9月3日(星期三) 至2014年11月2日(星期日)
開放時間: 星期一至星期六,上午9時30分至下午6時;
地點: 香港薄扶林香港大學徐展堂樓二樓美術博物館
地點詳情: http://www.hkumag.hku.hk/mc/location.html。
費用: 免費入場
詳情請瀏覽美術博物館網址: www.hkumag.hku.hk。
一般查詢: 電話 (852) 2241 5500 / 電郵[email protected]。
香港大學美術博物館傳訊主任張寶儀小姐, 電話: (852) 2241 5512, 電郵: [email protected]。