HKU St John’s College Martin Lectures 2014 "Moslem-Christian Dialogue: Sexuality and Gender"
The Martin Lectures started many years ago to commemorate the work of a caring pioneer, the Revd. Ernest Martin, and to celebrate his spirituality and life. Past speakers invited included Michael Ramsey, John Macquarrie, Don Cuppitt, Jens Scherpe, et al.
These lectures are intended to create awareness and understanding of issues of importance to the Church and the Community at large; to educate through rational and in-depth discussions; to point towards possible courses of action thus beginning a process of acceptance, reconciliation, and healing; and the righting of wrongs.
This year’s Martin Lectures will endeavor to create a dialogue between Moslems and Christians on Sexuality and Gender. The Moslem’s and Eastern Orthodox views will be presented first and to be followed with a review from an Asian and Protestant perspective. Through a better understanding of each other’s positions of faith and theology, it is hoped that a better understanding can be achieved by creating a dialogue without prejudice.
We need to start with a better understanding, then we would be able to appreciate the complexities of sexuality and gender, as both a bio-psychological phenomena and a socio-religio construct, constantly being challenged, manipulated, and reconstructed by new understanding of medical sciences, and the forces of globalization, economics, and agendas (visible and invisible) of religious and political leaderships.
Details of the lectures:
Date: October 4, 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 9am to 1pm
Venue: Room 109, Lower Ground (LG) K. K. Leung Building
The Convenor: Revd. Duncan Dormor, St John’s College, University of Cambridge
For details of the speakers and the topices, please visit: http://hku.hk/press/press-invitations/detail/11717.html.
Please contact Ms Tiffany Lam of St John’s College for enquiries on the event at [email protected] or 2817 7102.
彩墨琳瑯: 吳魯狀元家學
傳媒查詢,請聯絡陳洪華先生 (電話︰2859 2211);或楊秀婷女士(電話︰2859 8903)
首次在香港展出: 《方寸大千:鴻遠閣藏索振海內畫鼻煙壺》
展覽日期: 2014年9月24日(星期三) 至2014年11月2日(星期日)
當代內畫大師索振海(1944年 – 2006年)為河北饒陽縣人,曾習宋元文化藝術並上追明清畫風及精細筆法。碩果累累的索振海,曾參與國際展覽,許多巧奪天工的作品及現藏於衡水習三內畫藝術院的精品,均為其贏得讚譽。是次展覽所展出逾一百五十件以山水及風俗畫為主的作品,不僅見證內畫泰斗索振海“納大千於方寸”的鬼斧神工,亦體現這歷經數個世紀的傳統工藝是如何讓人心迷神醉。
展覽日期: 2014年9月3日(星期三) 至2014年11月2日(星期日)
開放時間: 星期一至星期六,上午9時30分至下午6時;
地點: 香港薄扶林香港大學徐展堂樓二樓美術博物館
地點詳情: http://www.hkumag.hku.hk/mc/location.html。
費用: 免費入場
詳情請瀏覽美術博物館網址: www.hkumag.hku.hk。
一般查詢: 電話 (852) 2241 5500 / 電郵[email protected]。
香港大學美術博物館傳訊主任張寶儀小姐, 電話: (852) 2241 5512, 電郵: [email protected]。