香港政制改革及民主發展: 政制改革方案之講座系列
講座將開放予公眾參加及提問,但為妥善安排講座的地點,參加者必須透過電郵登記 ([email protected]) 。本講座系列旨在為倡議人和港大師生提供一個交流的平台,藉此促進在已提出的政改方案上進行的商討。
日期: 2014年4月22及29日
時間: 下午5時30分至7時30分
地點: 香港大學百週年校園鄭裕彤教學樓十一樓學術會議廳
有意出席,請聯絡Joyce Fung小姐(電郵:[email protected]) 預先登記。如有其他查詢,請聯絡Sharron Fast小姐 (電話: 3917 1938/ 電郵:[email protected])。
的近歷史檔案共有65種類,160箱資料, 足以放滿長35米的書架。是次展覽展出檔案包括有關香港大學的資料、香港重要人物的遺囑、土地租約及賣地契約、以及1900-1960年代的有趣資料。
展出日期: 2014年4月4日至2014年4月28日
開放時間: 星期一至星期五,上午9時至下午10時;星期六,上午9時至下午7時;星期日及公眾假期,上午10時至下午7時。
地點: 香港大學圖書館一樓
費用: 免費入場
傳媒查詢,請聯絡陳洪華先生 (電話︰2859 2211);或楊秀婷女士(電話︰2859 8903)
有關展覽的查詢,請聯絡香港大學圖書館特藏部(2859 2207)。
University Museum and Art Gallery exhibition: “Surviving Evil: The Pictorial Language of Sara Atzmon”
The Hong Kong Holocaust and Tolerance Centre, the University Museum and Art Gallery and Goethe-Institut Hong Kong are organising a major exhibition in Hong Kong of artworks by Sara Atzmon, a Shoah (Holocaust) survivor who was born in Hungary and now resides in Israel. Ms. Atzmon’s artworks, many of which are large-scale, highly impactful paintings, reflect the artist’s memories of her horrible experiences during the Shoah. In 1944, Ms. Atzmon was first deported to Auschwitz and from there she was sent to Bergen-Belsen under terrible circumstances.
As an adult, Ms. Atzmon became a talent painter dedicated to use her, often very dramatic and explicit, paintings, to bring awareness to the cruel times in our fairly recent past, and to educate a young generation to treasure and practice tolerance, and foster understanding and compassion between people of different religions and cultural backgrounds.
Exhibition period: February 26, 2014 (Wednesday) to May 4, 2014 (Sunday)
Opening Hours: 09:30 to 18:00 (Monday – Saturday); 13:00 – 18:00 (Sunday). Closed on University and Public Holidays
(For details, please visit http://www.hkumag.hku.hk/about_us.html)
Venue: 1/F, T.T. Tsui Building, University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong (For location, please visit: http://www.hkumag.hku.hk/location.html)
Tel: (852) 2241 5500 (General Enquiry)
Free Admission
For media enquiries, please contact:
Miss Elena Cheung (Communication Officer), Tel: (852) 2241 5512, Email: [email protected]
For details of the exhibition, please contact:
University Museum and Art Gallery, the University of Hong Kong, Tel: 2241 5500, Email: [email protected].