A Multi-Stakeholder Seminar Series on Population Policy for Hong Kong
Aim: To provide a platform for discussion among multiple stakeholders of the consultation document on population policy for Hong Kong
Moderator: Prof. Paul Yip (葉兆輝教授), Professor, Social Work and Social Administration, HKU
December 2 (Monday): Extension of Retirement Age: pros and cons?
Dr. K.C. Cheung (張祺忠博士), Chairman, Academic Staff Association, HKU
Prof. Richard Wong (王于漸教授), Chair Professor, School of Economics and Finance, HKU
Registration required: http://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?guest=Y&ueid=27578
December 9 (Monday): Removing Barriers to Fertility: how far can we go?
Dr. Celia Chan (陳凱欣博士), Assistant Professor, Social Work and Social Administration, HKU
Dr. Susan Fan (范瑩孫醫生), Executive Director, Family Planning Association of Hong Kong
Registration required: http://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?guest=Y&ueid=27581
Time: 12:45 to 14:00
Venue: Room 533, 5/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
For enquiries, please contact Mr Sam Lee at 3917-2097
- 全港長者患有吞咽障礙的统計數據;
- 安老院之前線員工及長者家人對吞咽障礙的知識與技巧;和
- 對現有之社區吞咽障礙的服務作出建議。
傳媒查詢,請聯絡香港大學教育學院高級經理(發展及傳訊)Ms Queenie Wong (電話:2219 4270 /手機:9220 5840 / 電郵:[email protected])。
楊艾文教授和中心的團隊將在2013年12月3日 (星期二)的網站正式推出簡布會暨記者招待會上介紹網站的主要特點及示範「決策樹」的設計功能,並回答傳媒的問題。
日期:2013年12月3日 (星期二)
時間: 下午 1時
地點: 香港薄扶林道香港大學百週年校園鄭裕彤教學樓11樓Academic Conference Room
語言: 英語
傳媒查詢: Ms Flora Leung (39172941或[email protected])或 Ms Sharron Fast (39171938或[email protected])
地區 |
日期 / 時間 |
地點 |
對象 |
備註 |
新界 |
(星期六) |
新界屯門兆康苑屯門官立小學禮堂(兆康西鐵站附近) |
公眾人士 |
禮堂座位300個 諮詢會以廣東話進行,歡迎公眾參與,無須預先報名,下午2時30分開始入座,先到先入座,額滿即止。 |
如欲知悉更多相關資料,請瀏覽「香港退休保障的未來發展」公眾諮詢網站 http://retirement.socialwork.hku.hk 。
歡迎傳媒朋友蒞臨採訪公眾諮詢會,如有任何查詢,請聯絡香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系「香港退休保障的未來發展」研究團隊 (電話:92606744 或 92607309 / 電郵:[email protected] )
From Photography to Music: a Creative Dialogue between David Clarke and Chan Hing-yan
This exhibition consists of a series of photographic images depicting flowers and fruit. Photographer David Clarke originally generated these pictures using Polaroid instant film, with the resultant images then being scanned at high resolution and printed at a larger scale as giclée (high quality ink-jet) prints on a suitable artist paper. No digital manipulation took place after scanning - the images that were printed were simply records of the impact on film chemicals of whatever light was allowed through the lens during exposure. These photographs are all receiving their first public showing now, at a point in time when the visual world of Polaroid instant film has disappeared definitively into the past.
The photos are being presented here as part of a creative dialogue with the composer Chan Hing-yan, who has produced a new musical composition entitled Adieu Sequence in response to this body of works. Since the works themselves were produced by a migration from one medium to another (Polaroid film to digital print) they were already open to the idea that creativity might come from the shift between mediums, and thus were ready for an engagement of this kind, but of course a shift from photography to musical sound is an altogether more radical jump, and exciting for that very reason. Drawing on Clarke's images as a point of departure, Chan endows his Adieu Sequence with delicate sonic fragments and bids a musical farewell to a vanishing medium.
Exhibition details:
Period: November 12 through December 1, 2013
Time: 9:30am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday; 1 pm to 6pm on Sunday
Venue: University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) of the University of Hong Kong
Admission: Free admission
Enquiry: (852) 2241 5500
波提切利《維納斯》- 意大利文藝復興盛期大師作品首度來港展出
意大利駐香港及澳門總領事館、香港意大利領事館文化處及香港大學美術博物館將攜手呈獻意大利國寶級藝術傑作 - 佛羅倫斯畫派名家桑德羅‧波提切利(Sandro Botticelli, 1445 - 1510)之力作《維納斯》(約1482 年),將於10 月18 日至12 月15 日假香港大學美術博物館展出。
展覽詳情 :
展出日期: 2013 年10 月18 日至12 月15 日
時間: 周一至六,早上9時30分至下午6 時;
周日,下午1 時至6 時
地點: 香港大學美術博物館
查詢: (852) 2241 5500
費用: 全免
傳媒查詢,請聯絡港大美術博物館Miss Elena Cheung (電話︰2241 5512;/電郵︰ [email protected] 或港大傳訊及公共事務處經理(傳媒)梁菁栘小姐 (電話:2857 8555 /電郵:[email protected])。